Sunday, May 31, 2009

#3 Flickr

I keep wanting to add an "e" between the k and r in "Flickr." It just seems wrong without it....
I've viewed images on Flickr before (a multi-set series of photos on the visually arresting (but probably a headache for staff) Seattle Library which were very interesting. The humorous captions (especially regarding the posted "rules of conduct" add a lot. (Example: The Seattle Public Library truly does welcome you, but for your own protection it is recommended that you do not visit unless accompanied by your attorney) Beware, there are 94 images in the set.

I didn't realize how many (billions??? Just like McDonald's burgers served) of images are represented.

If you love adorable little dogs (I know I do!) try this image.

I assume that provides a link. How do I know if I am embedding it correctly so that you can link directly and not have to cut and paste into your web browser?

If I had a digital camera, I would try to upload images. But alas, I don't at this point.

#2 Library 2.0

Being a huge Dr. Seuss fan, I think about The Cat in the Hat and the two madcap creatures, Thing One and Thing Two, every time I hear about North Texas 23.
I admit I'm a little like the fish in that story trying to tell the kids "No! No! Those Things should not be in this house! Make them go!"
One of the Library 2.0 videos by Stephen Abram mentions making the Library relevant to what users want and need in daily lives. The patrons in my Library simply want to use a computer to FIND A JOB these days. All these Library 2.0 bells and whistles are fine but I wish librarians wouldn't rush toward the newest shiny thing in a futile attempt to be "cool"
We risk alienating our current Library supporters.

#1 First 23 Things

I got in just under the June 1 deadline. Procrastination is a terrible, terrible vice. I will definitely try to do something about it ... tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to learning new things... but worried about the time constraints. I am doing this from home and not work -- my work computer is very "locked down"