Wednesday, August 12, 2009

#23 Reflection

I am pleased that as of August 12 I've come to the end of "North Texas 23: A roundup of Web 2.0 technology" I wasn't sure I would finish. I started, took a long gap, then bounced around out of order (not a thing I like to do) finishing the various Things.

I have been reading over my blog posts to refresh my memory. My favorite (ala the Sound of Music) Things were raindrops on roses...Oops. I mean my favorite 23Things included Library Thing and Image Generators (for personal use). For potential Library use and promotion, Podcasts (even though the quality was horrible in many) and YouTube (again, quality was sketchy) but still a huge potential there. The things I really didn't like (bordering on hatred) were Twitter and Instant Messaging. Flickr mashups caused the most teeth grinding. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong but I had trouble with this.

Overall, learning the lingo for the 23 Things was the most helpful. I had heard of many of the 23 Things just in passing (and used a few prior to starting) But several were a mystery. Now I at least have a germ of an idea of what they actually mean and their purpose and I am pleased with that aspect.

Thanks to the NT 23 Thing leadership team who put this together. It was a superb idea and I appreciate the time, thought and effort that was expended on expanding our collective knowledge.

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